Frequently Asked Questions
Circumcision Mohel
The Circumcision procedure care commences before the operation, Dr Harris will discuss the nature and purpose of the procedure, and obtain signed consent before performing the procedure.
Here are information notes for the circumcision procedure for parents as prepared by Dr Harris.
What is circumcision?
The word circumcision means removal of the foreskin and the edges heal together. On rare occasions dissolvable stitches are used.
After delivery when should I book the circumcision?
Several health professionals may suggest delaying the procedure, after which time they wiill have also told you it will then be too late.
After delivery Doctor Harris reccommends you contact him directly.
How long does a circumcision take?
The sterile surgical operation is very quick usually taking a few moments.
What is involved during the preparation phase?
Circumcision procedure care continues with preparation.
1 Two Sterile Dressing Packs
2 Sterile Gauze Swabs
3 Calpol / Medinol Baby
4 Two Chairs
5.Two Bed Pillows
6.Small Table
7.Small Bin
8. one bottle red kosher wine with seal
9. Bechar Kiddush Cup
How long does it take to heal after circumcision?
The time taken for the wound to heal completely depends on the age of the child and the size of the raw area, but initially is 14-21 days. The joining skin (“rim, ridge, tyre, band”) takes much longer.
The red raw healing area exudes healing tissue (not pus). The swelling around gradually resolves.
The wound of a baby after traditional circumcision looks different to that of a baby after surgical circumcision with stitches.
This healing process is explained by Dr harris.
This exudate will be beige in colour, thin or thick in consistency, not to be confused with pus or infection. Exudate is normal healing of this type of circumcision wound since there are no stitches.
How painful is circumcision?
Circumcision procedure care is undertaken with appropriate pain relief and aftercare. Dr Harris has the necessary skills and experience both to perform the operation and use appropriate measures, including anaesthesia, to minimise pain and discomfort.
Dr Harris gives a local anaesthetic cream (not injection) also oral paracetamol by mouth.Dr Harris will discuss and advise with written instructions.
What happens after the operation?
The next instruction leaflet after the circumcision gives full aftercare instructions.
• Baby is fed after the operation.
• Pain relief medication is available and advised; Baby is unsettled for the first 24 hours.
• The instruction leaflet after the procedure aftercare details keeping in contact with Dr Harris every four hours or earlier if you are concerned in any way.
What happens during the postoperative care (First 24 hours)
Dr Harris will explain the care needed and 24 hour contact following the procedure. He will provide written instructions, which should be read carefully and this includes details on change of dressing and a bath.
Aftercare for the first 24hours includes :
• A dressing will be placed around the penis after the operation. This is to absorb the small amount of blood that may leak out from the wound.
• The wound will appear raw and swollen and this appearance will start to settle down within a few days.
• The baby will be unsettled the first 24 hrs and requires regular feeding.
• Position of the baby
• Winding of the baby over the shoulder.
• Nappy check but do not dislodge dressing.
• Nappy change directions.
• Nappy change and sequence with feeding.
• Dressings explained.
• Top gauze swab additional cover, applied but not tied.
• Soiling and what to do.
• Urine colour expected.
• Fresh bleeding what to observe.
• Analgesia pain relief treatment guidelines & dosage.
• Please do not bath baby or apply double nappies.
• Arrange next & further contact.
• If you have any concerns at all, please contact Dr harris.
Circumcision complications - Are there any?
Complications are rare. Occasionally there is bleeding or swelling. Other complications may include infection, meatal ulcer or stenosis, & reopcircumcision.
• Sometimes the wound continues to leak fluid or blood. If this happens try to apply pressure. If it does not stop please contact Dr Harris.
• If you notice your wound looks very red and swollen or you have a yellow (pus).Discharge around the wound area you may have an infection, please contact Dr Harris.
Other Information
Signed Consent
After explaining circumcision procedure care, Dr Harris will ask both Parents to sign your consent for the procedure of circumcision operation on your son.
- If you are not clear about any part of the operation or explanation, ask for more details from Dr Harris who is never too busy to do this.
- Your son child will be seen by Dr Harris who will be doing the operation and he will check that all the necessary preparations have been made.
Other Information
The Follow Up Appointment
The next follow-up appointment is the following day after the procedure regarding the wound and the dressing.
The final instruction leaflet next day details wound care and bathing.
Call For Appointments
Available Mondays - Fridays
Working Hours : 09.00-18.00
Contact Doctor Harris
If you have any concerns whatsoever at any time please get in touch.