The Siyum HaShas events around the world continue. The celebration is for the completion for 7.5 year learning cycle. Also…
Siyum Hashas Wembley Arena was the venue for this week’s event to celebrate 7.5 years of daily learning, In addition…
Today is the UK event for The 13th Global Siyum Hashas of Daf Yomi. Thousands of Jews throughout the world…
The origin is recorded in the Book of KingsII 25,1 that the King of Babylon Nebuchadnezzar laid siege to Jerusalem,…
Chanucah concealed light revealed The Rokeiach explains (in Hilchos Chanukah 225). The explanation is that when the Gemara says that…
Chanukah lights are lit after sunset (usually after night). This is because sunset represents hard times. We recognize that even…
The miracles of Chanukah occurred in the merit of the Hasmonean Family having trust- Emunah and Bitachon. The Hasmonean Family…
Chanukah lights the time to light the menorah during Chanukah s immediately after night. In London this week of Chanuca,…
CHANUKAH & DOUGHNUTS are associated. The miracle of the Jewish Festival of Chanukah occured from the miracle of the OIL…
THE SYMBOL OF CHANUKAH IS THE MENORAH. The menorah is the 8 branched candelabra the symbol of Hanukka /Chanukah. The…